JumpKeys Pro 1.2 - Help

Getting Started
Software Limitations

important update:  Since the introduction of User Account Control (UAC) in Windows® Vista/7/8/10 you will need permission to create/edit a file in the folder in which JumpKeys Pro is run.  If you chose the default folder during installation you will not likely have permission.  Operations using Windows® WordPad will not work, which includes previewing a Print operation in WordPad, as well as the default location for 'Export to a File' (you would have to manually choose a new location).  To avoid these problems move JumpKeys.exe to a new folder for which you have permission.

Tip Messages
About the Window Menu
How to Display the Window Menu
Definition: Tag a Window
How to Tag a Window  (Parent)
Selecting a Tagged Window  (Parent)
Window Cycling  (Parent)
Selecting the Previous Window  (Parent)
How to make a window Always On Top
How to Minimize, Maximize and Restore Individual Windows
How to Minimize All/Restore All Windows
Child Windows
ExpressInsert - Inserting Text into virtually any Application or Dialog Window
ExpressEdit - Accelerated Text Editing
Options Dialog Box
Customizing Hot Keys
Multiple Installations - Multiple Clipbooks/Tagging more than 9 Windows
Customizing Colors


Tip Messages

To receive tip messages, ensure that 'Display Tip Messages' is checked on the Help menu.  Tip messages are displayed when you need them.  You may or may not receive tip messages depending on what features of JumpKeys Pro you use. 



Each tool button has a ToolTip which describes it's function.  Every tool button has a shortcut key combination associated with it.  The shortcut is indicated (in brackets) as part of the ToolTip.  Some other buttons, text boxes, labels and check boxes also have ToolTips.


About the Window Menu

The Window menu has several functions, but it's main purpose is to tag desktop windows for selection.  Once a desktop window has been tagged, it will appear on the Window menu along with it's tag number.  This information is saved automatically, and is available the next time you start JumpKeys.


How to Display the Window Menu

Using a system-wide hot key, the Window menu can be displayed at any time (beside the mouse cursor) - even if JumpKeys is not the active window.  This is a detached version (a pop-up version) of the same Window menu found in JumpKeys.  There are some situations in which you would want to use the Window menu from within JumpKeys, but it is designed mainly to be displayed using it's system-wide hot key.  When JumpKeys is installed, the default hot key for displaying the pop-up version of the Window menu is Windows+W.  If you wish, this hot key can be changed on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box.  Note: If you have an older keyboard without the Windows® logo key(s), then you will have to change this hot key before getting started.


Definition: Tag a Window

To 'tag a window' is the process of capturing a window's title and adding it to the list of windows on the Window menu.  Part of this process involves assigning a Tag number (from 1 to 9) to the window.  This allows you to select the window with one of the 1-9 system-wide hot keys.


How to Tag a Window  (Parent)

Ensure the window you want to tag has the focus (it's title bar will be highlighted) - JumpKeys calls this the target window.  Display the pop-up version of the Window menu using it's system-wide hot key.  The Window menu should now have the title of the target window in square brackets.  For example, if the title of the target window is "Untitled - Notepad", then you will find the following option at the bottom of the Window menu: "Add [Untitled - Notepad] to Window menu…".  Select this menu option to open the Add Window dialog box.  Assign a tag number (from 1 to 9) to the window.  At this point, you can simply press Enter to complete the process - this will identify the window based on it's full title **.  Alternatively you can edit the title to identify the window based on a partial title - "Notepad", for example - or you can choose one of the pre-defined options;  identify the window based on the application name portion of the title, or on the document portion of the title.
   **  A window is matched based on Title and Class.


Selecting a Tagged Window  (Parent)

The fastest way to select a tagged window...

USING THE 1-9 SYSTEM-WIDE HOT KEYS:  For example, if you have previously tagged a window with the number 1, and the window selection hot key is the 'Alt' key (as defined on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box);  then, from anywhere on the desktop, you can now select (switch to) the window using Alt+1 (using the numbers on the main keyboard, not the numeric keypad).  If the window is minimized, it will be restored automatically.

An alternative way of selecting a tagged window - which is useful if you forget the window's tag number...

USING THE WINDOW MENU:  From anywhere on the desktop, display the pop-up version of the Window menu using it's system-wide hot key.  Select the desired tagged window from the Window menu using your mouse or by pressing the tag number associated with the window.  Note: Unlike the preceding method, here you can use the numbers on the main keyboard OR the numeric keypad.


Window Cycling  (Parent)

USING THE 1-9 SYSTEM-WIDE HOT KEYS:  You can cycle through multiple instances of a tagged window ** (with the same title/class match) by repeating a window selection hot key (e.g. Alt+1).  How to cycle through Windows® Explorer windows that do not have "Exploring" in the title bar:  when you tag the window, simply clear the 'Identify Window' text box (on the Add Window dialog box) - this will force a title match on all windows with class of "ExploreWClass" (Windows® XP), or "CabinetWClass" (Windows®Vista/7).
   **  You only have to tag one instance. JumpKeys will find all other instances for you.

THE WINDOW MENU:  The window cycling feature works with the window selection hot keys only.

TIP:  To cycle through all windows on the desktop, use Alt+Esc (provided by the Windows® operating system).  However, this method will not restore any of the windows from minimized.


Selecting the Previous Window  (Parent)

USING THE 0 SYSTEM-WIDE HOT KEY:  For example, if the window selection hot key is the 'Alt' key (as defined on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box);  then, from anywhere on the desktop, you can select (switch to) the Previous Window using Alt+0 (using the number on the main keyboard, not the numeric keypad).  If the window is minimized, it will be restored automatically.    

USING THE WINDOW MENU:  This can be done in the same manner as with selecting a Tagged Window.

Note:  This feature is affected by the options  'Recognize windows that have no Title',  'Recognize Toolbar style windows'  and  'Recognize Modal Frame style windows' on the General tab of the Options dialog box.  For example, if the Previous Window that had the focus is "Explorer" (1st window), and you have just used a Quick Launch toolbar (2nd window) to open "Notepad" (3rd window);   if  'Recognize Toolbar style windows' is checked, then, selecting the Previous Window will select the Quick Launch toolbar;   if  'Recognize Toolbar style windows' is unchecked, then, selecting the Previous Window will select the "Explorer" window.


How to make a window Always On Top

Ensure the window you want to make Always On Top has the focus (it's title bar will be highlighted) - JumpKeys calls this the target window.  Display the pop-up version of the Window menu using it's system-wide hot key.  The Window menu should now have the title of the target window in square brackets.  For example, if the title of the target window is "Untitled - Notepad", then you will find the following option at the top of the Window menu: "[Untitled - Notepad] Always On Top".  Selecting this menu option will make the target window Always On Top.

Caution:  Using Always On Top can cause confusion in a couple situations:  1.) If you make a window Always On Top, then later maximize the window (or if it is sized too large), you will not be able to see any other windows on your desktop.  Even if you select another window using JumpKeys (or using Alt+Tab, etc.) you will not be able to see the window you just selected.  Technically, the window will have the 'focus', and you can type into the window, but you just wont see it!  2.) Some program windows are not designed to be Always On Top.  For example, a program may display a pop-up dialog box that you have to respond to before continuing, but you will not see the dialog box because it is covered by the main program window that you have made Always On Top.


How to Minimize, Maximize and Restore Individual Windows

MINIMIZING:  You can minimize the current window by using a system-wide hot key (as defined on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box).

MAXIMIZING / RESTORING:  Using a system-wide hot key (as defined on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box) you can maximize the current window, or, if the window is already maximized, the same hot key will restore the window.


How to Minimize All/Restore All Windows

From anywhere on the desktop, display the pop-up version of the Window menu using it's system-wide hot key.  Select 'Minimize All' or 'Restore All' from the Window menu.


Child Windows

SOFTWARE LIMITATIONS:  The child window features of JumpKeys Pro will not work in some applications.  This may be apparent in two ways:  1.) JumpKeys Pro will not recognize the child windows in an application.  2.) JumpKeys Pro recognizes the child windows, but will not select them, minimize them, etc..

OVERVIEW:  When a child window is added to the list of windows on the Window menu there are two additions to the list.  The first (in the upper list) is the parent window of the child, the second (in the lower list) is the child window.  Both additions to the Window menu have the same number.  The number next to the child window is underlined, indicating it's menu shortcut.  On the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box you have the additional choice of selecting child windows with Ctrl+0-9.  This is an 'additional' choice because Alt+0-9 will also select a child window if there is a child window on the Window menu with the same number as the parent.  Note: The hot keys Alt+0-9 for parent windows and Ctrl+0-9 for child windows are the defaults at installation, and can be customized.



ABOUT THE CLIPBOOK:  The clipbook is essentially a tabbed notepad, with specialized features to make it easy to store text clippings.

ADD A PAGE (TAB):  Each tab you insert is called a Page.  A Page can be added and named manually, using the File menu, or the Ctrl+N shortcut.

ADD A CLIP:  From anywhere on the desktop, use the 'Add a Clip' system-wide hot key (as defined on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box) to add a new page and paste the contents of the clipboard as raw text.  When JumpKeys Pro is installed, the default hot key for 'Add a Clip' is Windows+V.  Note: If you have an older keyboard without the Windows® logo key(s), then you will have to change this hot key before getting started.

COMMON SHORTCUT KEYS - EDITING:  Common editing shortcut keys used in other applications, such as Ctrl+Z ( Undo),  Ctrl+X ( Cut),  Ctrl+C ( Copy) and Ctrl+V (Paste), will also work in the clipbook.  Or if you prefer, these edit operations can be performed by Right-Clicking on the document area, then selecting one from the menu.

OTHER SHORTCUT KEYS:   F5 (Refresh Document Area).

SELECT A PAGE:  To quickly access a Page using a shortcut:  if a Page tab has the focus, then, for example, pressing H will bring you to the first page starting with the letter H;  if a Page document area has the focus, then you can press F6 (set focus to the tabs) then H, or use Ctrl+Shift+H.  In the preceding example, if there is more than one page starting with the letter H, then repeat the shortcut to cycle through all the pages starting with H.  Other keys you can use to navigate pages include;  LeftArrow, RightArrow, Home and End (while the tabs have the focus), or Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab (at any time).  The red dot on a tab indicates the current Page.  A yellow dot indicates a Page has been modified.  The yellow dots will remain until you exit JumpKeys Pro.  After selecting a Page, to return focus to the document area you can use any of the following keys:  DownArrow, UpArrow, Tab, PageDown, PageUp, Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End, or Ctrl+A (Select All).

important update:  Since the introduction of User Account Control (UAC) in Windows® Vista/7/8/10 you will need permission to create/edit a file in the folder in which JumpKeys Pro is run.  If you chose the default folder during installation you will not likely have permission, and the template file would not have been created there (without warning).  To benefit from the features of the template file move JumpKeys.exe to a new folder for which you have permission.

ABOUT THE TEMPLATE FILE:  After an installation of JumpKeys Pro is run for the first time, a file named "template" (with no extension) is created on disk.  Each new page is created from this template file.  Thus, all default formatting (**) comes from this file.  The template file can be deleted at any time to return the defaults to what they were at installation.
   **  Changing any of the default formatting can be done in the same manner as demonstrated in the default font example below.

DEFAULT FONT:  To change the default font; open the template file in WordPad (or any word processor that can save a document in RTF format), select the new-line character (using Shift+RightArrow or Shift+End), change the font, then save the file (with no extension).  Important: Do not use Save As - the word processor may add an ".rtf" extension to the file.  If this does happen, then simply rename the file in Windows® Explorer.

SAVING CHANGES:  JumpKeys Pro's clipbook was designed to save your changes automatically.  The auto-save feature saves changes whenever focus is lost (whenever you switch to another application), or every 60 seconds, whichever comes first (*1*).  In the event that you decide not to keep your most recent changes you can use the 'Revert Page' feature (available from the File menu).  Changes are also saved when you select a page, add a new page, or exit JumpKeys (*2*).
   *1*  The auto-save feature is done in the background.  The prompt option described below (*2*) has no affect on this feature.
   *2*  By default, you will not be prompted when changes are saved.  If you prefer to be prompted before changes are saved to each page, then check  'Prompt before Saving changes to a Page'  on the General tab of the Options dialog box.

important update:  Since the introduction of User Account Control (UAC) in Windows® Vista/7/8/10 you will need permission to create/edit a file in the folder in which JumpKeys Pro is run.  If you chose the default folder during installation you will not likely have permission.  The default location for 'Export to a File' will not work (you will have to manually choose a new location, or move JumpKeys.exe to a new folder for which you have permission to avoid further problems).

   Select 'Export to a File' from the File menu to display the Export dialog box.  All items on the Export dialog box have ToolTips.  To view a ToolTip, simply position your mouse over any of the drop-down list boxes, text boxes, check boxes or buttons.
   This will export all pages to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) text file.  This is essentially a database, where each page is a record in the database.  The CSV text file can then be used to import all pages into another application that supports the CSV standard.  Typically this will be a desktop application that can sync with your PDA (handheld device).  For example, Palm™ Desktop software has a file link feature that would allow you to link to the built-in Memo Pad application.
   You can have up to 4 fields in your database.  You can choose what goes in each field, and in what order.  This makes it easy to set up an export file that can be imported into another application on a regular basis without having to map fields.  In addition, you can include special data to duplicate for each page.  For example, if the application you will be importing into has information grouped into categories, then you can specify a category for all pages.
   Once you have selected your settings on the Export dialog box and created an export file, you can regenerate the export file at any time using the Ctrl+E shortcut, or it can be regenerated automatically every time you exit JumpKeys Pro by ensuring 'Repeat Last Export On Exit' is checked on the File menu.

   Unlike the text file export above, this does not create a structured file that can be imported by another application - this simply generates the RTF text of all pages to a file named "print_file" (no extension) with white space between each page.  The procedure is as follows:  1.) select 'Print' from the File menu  2.) select the 'All Pages - without Page Breaks' option  3.) click the 'Open in...' button  4.) if desired, use Save As from your word processor to save the "print_file" file to a file name of your choice.


ExpressInsert - Inserting Text into virtually any Application or Dialog Window

OVERVIEW:  To insert text, you assign a system-wide hot key to display the ExpressInsert screen.  Once the ExpressInsert screen is displayed, you can insert text by clicking on one of the 36 buttons that you have previously stored text in, or use the single key shortcut assigned to the insert button (0-9, A-Z).  This will insert the text wherever the cursor was before the ExpressInsert screen was displayed.  When JumpKeys Pro is installed, the default hot key for displaying the ExpressInsert screen is Windows+Insert.  Note: If you have an older keyboard without the Windows® logo key(s), then you will have to change this hot key before getting started.

SOFTWARE LIMITATIONS:  Please review the software limitations page before using ExpressInsert.  In particular, if you are experiencing intermittent clipboard failures; on the Clipboard Tools tab of the Options dialog box, uncheck  'Restore the original contents of the clipboard ...'.  Disabling this option will resolve most intermittent clipboard problems associated with ExpressInsert.

STORING TEXT FOR INSERT:  Display the ExpressInsert screen using it's system-wide hot key (as defined on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box).  Right-Click on the desired button, or use it's Ctrl+Shift+ shortcut.  You should now see a dialog box asking for Name and Text.  Give the insert a Name.  The Name will appear on the button, and is used to identify the insert only.  Type (or paste) the Text you want to store for insert.

INSERTING TEXT:  Display the ExpressInsert screen using it's system-wide hot key (as defined on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box).  Insert a snippet of text by pressing the key assigned to the insert (0-9, A-Z), or by clicking on the button.


ExpressEdit - Accelerated Text Editing

OVERVIEW:  ExpressEdit is designed to be used by memory.  From the Tools menu, select 'Display List of ExpressEdit keys..'.  Print this list to use for reference until you have the ExpressEdit keys memorized.

SOFTWARE LIMITATIONS:  Please review the software limitations page before using any of the ExpressEdit clipboard operations.  In particular, if you are experiencing intermittent clipboard failures; on the Clipboard Tools tab of the Options dialog box, uncheck  'Restore the original contents of the clipboard ...'.  If this does not solve the problem then uncheck  'Automatically Copy selected text ...'.  Disabling the first, or both, of these options will resolve most intermittent clipboard problems.

GETTING STARTED:  Toggle ExpressEdit ON/OFF using it's system-wide hot key (as defined on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box).  For reference, press K to display a list of all the ExpressEdit keys (0-9, A-Z).  The following is an example which illustrates how ExpressEdit can be used:  to copy selected text from one window to another;  tag the windows with numbers 1 and 2, turn ExpressEdit ON - you can now quickly change between the two windows by pressing 1 and 2, transferring text using ExpressEdit keys such as L (Copy Line), V (Paste), etc..


Options Dialog Box

DISPLAYING THE OPTIONS DIALOG BOX:  The Options dialog box can be displayed in one of two ways;  from JumpKeys Pro (on the Tools menu), or using it's system-wide hot key.  When JumpKeys Pro is installed, the default hot key for displaying the Options dialog box is Windows+O.  Note: If you have an older keyboard without the Windows® logo key(s), then you will have to change this hot key before getting started.

   The option  'Prompt before Saving changes to a Page'  can be checked if you prefer to be prompted before changes are saved to each page in the clipbook.  Please read Saving Changes for more information on how changes are saved.
   In the Word Processor section you can specify the Name and Path of a word processor.  The Name you enter here will be used on the Print dialog box.  Use the Browse button to find the executable (exe) file of your word processor.  When using the Browse button, even if you select a Shortcut to the word processor (as opposed to the executable file) the path of the executable file will be entered automatically for you.  Note: Ensure that the word processor you choose supports the RTF standard.
   The options  'Recognize windows that have no Title',  'Recognize Toolbar style windows' and  'Recognize Modal Frame style windows' affect the performance of  selecting the Previous Window.  These settings determine whether a window should either be recognized by JumpKeys Pro, or ignored.  With 'Recognize Toolbar style windows' checked, only toolbars that are designed to be used outside of the main window of an application (desktop toolbars) will be recognized - normal toolbars will not be recognized.

HOT KEYS TAB:  This tab is for customizing hot keys.


Customizing Hot Keys

DISABLING INDIVIDUAL HOT KEYS:  All hot keys are located on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box.  The hot key identification labels are color coded indicating whether the hot key is enabled or disabled.  To disable a hot key, you just have to clear the second part of the hot key (the drop-down list box containing F1-F12, A-Z, and so on).  You can do this quickly by pressing the Spacebar while the drop-down list box is selected.  To disable one of the 0-9 window selection numbers, simply uncheck the number.

HOW TO SET A HOT KEY:  For example, to set a single hot key (e.g. F10) for minimizing windows;  1.) with the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box selected, select the first part of the hot key (the drop-down list box containing Alt/Ctrl/Shift/Windows)  2.) press Spacebar to clear it  3.) press Tab to go to the second part of the hot key  4.) press F10.  The hot key will take effect when you close the Options dialog box, or click on the Apply button.  With the window selection numbers, clearing the first part of the hot key (the drop-down list box containing Alt/Ctrl/Shift/Windows) will allow you to select windows with the numbers alone (using the numbers on the main keyboard, not the numeric keypad).

KEY COMBINATIONS THAT ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR USE AS A HOT KEY:  First, ensure that you are not attempting to use a hot key that is in use by another program that uses system-wide hot keys.  Second, you will not be able to use certain key combinations that are reserved by the Windows® operating system, such as:

  Windows+Pause (System Properties)
Windows+F1 (OS Help)
Windows+F (Find)
Windows+E (Explorer)
Windows+R (Run)
Windows+M (Minimize All)
F12 - alone, as a single hot key (has no apparent function, but is not available in Windows NT/2000 or later)
Ctrl+Pause (closes an open file dialog window)
Ctrl+PrintScrn (screen capture)
Shift+PrintScrn (screen capture)

update:  Key combinations that are reserved by the operating system in Windows® Vista/7/8/10 has grown to include

Note:  This list may not be complete.  The function associated with most reserved hot keys - such as Windows+F (Find) - will be apparent as soon as you press the key combination.  Others - such as Ctrl+Pause - are reserved, but have no apparent function under most circumstances.  The type of keyboard you have may also affect the availability of hot keys.


Multiple Installations - Multiple Clipbooks/Tagging more than 9 Windows

   More than one installation can be used individually or concurrently if you require access to more than 9 windows, or if you need more than one clipbook.  Creating a new installation is a two step process.

Step 1 - copy JumpKeys.exe to a folder (directory) of your choice

JumpKeys is designed to be installed in multiple folders (directories) simply by copying the application file (JumpKeys.exe) to as many folders as you wish.  The name of the folder appears in the title bar when JumpKeys is run.  For example, when JumpKeys is run from the following installations, the title bar of each will read:  "JumpKeys - Desktop"  and  "JumpKeys - VB".


In addition, the clipbook will automatically import any RTF files that reside in the same folder as JumpKeys.exe (one Page is added for each RTF file).  Conversely, for each Page that you add while using JumpKeys, a corresponding RTF file will be created in this folder.

Step 2 - create a Shortcut to JumpKeys.exe

The Windows® operating system provides a variety of Shortcuts you can use to launch applications.  The following is a list of possible ways you can create a Shortcut to JumpKeys.exe.  Please refer to the Windows® operating system help documentation for further instructions.

 Shortcuts (icons) to your JumpKeys installations can be placed...
1.  Directly on the desktop
2.  In a desktop folder
3.  At the top of the Start menu
4.  On the Start menu under Programs
      a.  in a custom folder
      b.  in the Startup folder  (this will run JumpKeys when you start/reboot your computer)
5.  As a Quick Launch icon on a toolbar on the Taskbar  (not available in Windows® 95)
      if desired, the toolbar can be detached from the Taskbar and put on the desktop. The desktop toolbar can be made to stay Always On Top

Caution:  It is very easy, especially when dragging a file to the desktop (from Windows® Explorer, or My Computer), to create a copy of the file instead of a Shortcut.


Customizing Colors

JUMPKEYS MAIN WINDOW:  To change the color of a button;  1.) select 'Customize Colors - C' from the View menu  2.) position the mouse over the button  3.) when the cursor has changed to a 'C' (the letter C within a black circle), click on the button to change it's color.  To change multiple buttons to the same color, simply hold down the Alt key while clicking on the buttons (Alt+Click).  The Target Window/Class Labels and document area color can be changed using the same procedure.  When finished customizing colors,  reselect 'Customize Colors - C' from the View menu to return the mouse cursor to normal.

OPTIONS DIALOG BOX:  To change the color - on the Hot Keys tab of the Options dialog box - that indicates that a Hot Key is enabled;  1.) position the mouse over the colored box (Legend) located in the lower left corner of the dialog box  2.) when the cursor has changed to a 'C' (the letter C within a black circle), click on the colored box to change the color.



WINDOWS:  There are a couple confusing situations that can occur when having a window Always On Top.  Please read the caution under How to make a window Always On Top.

WINDOWS:  With some Windows® operating systems, windows that are displayed automatically - such as with a hot key - are sometimes opened behind another window(s) on the desktop (meaning it is there, but you just can't see it).  For example, you may find that this occurs occasionally when displaying the Options dialog box using it's system-wide hot key.  When this happens, simply press the hot key again to bring the Options dialog box to the foreground.

MENU/KEYBOARD:  When using the Alt key in a system-wide hot key (*1*) - such as Alt+1 to select a window - sometimes the menu of the application window just selected will be given the focus (*2*).  This can occur if the Alt key is released too quickly.  When this happens (*3*), simply tap the Alt key to remove the focus from the menu.
   *1*  This applies to any hot key operation that, immediately after the hot key is executed, a window that has a menu is given the focus (selected), or retains the focus (such as with the hot key for maximizing/restoring the current window).
   *2*  As a feature of the Windows® operating system, you can reproduce this behavior simply by tapping the Alt key (alone, without any other key) in any application that has a menu - the menu will be given the focus (generally the File menu), but it does not open, and you cannot continue typing until the focus is removed from the menu (by tapping the Alt key again, or after you have finished executing one of the menu options).
   *3*  Symptoms:  since the menu is not opened (it is just given the focus) it can be confusing, because you may start typing (not realizing the menu has the focus) and it will seem as if your keyboard is not working.

HOT KEYS:  Hot keys are temporarily suspended when JumpKeys has a message box or a dialog box displayed.  If, for whatever reason, you did not see the message/dialog box when it was displayed, it will seam as if the hot keys have stopped working.  However, this symptom could also mean that you have accidentally used the hot key that activates/deactivates all hot keys.  When JumpKeys is installed, the default hot key to activate/deactivate hot keys is the Pause key.


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